
The CENSUS HISTORY PROJECT focuses on the exploration, extraction, and analysis of U.S. Census data for further research purposes. Our users group takes on a critical historical approach to understanding population-level data on the United States, the methods used to gather the data, and the measures applied to explore, extract, and analyze the data.

Group Info

primary users:

initiated: fall 2022

Project PIs



Contact us at quantshopusers [at] gmail [dot] com


Funding for this project is provided by Data.org and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.


Images from the U.S. Census Bureau and the California African American Museum1.

  1. https://caamuseum.org/learn/600state/black-history/blackhistory-on-june-1-1900-the-first-census-of-the-20th-century-counted-2-131-black-angelenos